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A UHF single channel handheld radio operating in the 450-470Mhz range.



This is the ubiquitus police radio from the 70's 3 channels with 500mw output usually worn in a chest harness with the PTT on the top also has a clip so it can be worn on the tunic lapel. Performance wasn't very good but as a single piece unit and 3 channels it was a step up from the PF1. The police version used 2 of the yellow PF1R Batteries for power with one used on RX and both together to give 18V on TX.  A shrewd move by Burndept, I would assume this was so that the large stocks of PF1 batteries already purchased could be kept in service and therefore reduce costs. The commercial version had a single moulded battery cassette.  



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This is a 6 channel modernisation of the BE470 series. It was used by some Police forces as a replacement for the 470 series.  It was also available commercially with ctcss and tone coding options which was in an extended case. It again used the two Yellow Pye PF1R Batteries for power.


BE2000/2080 AKA LYNX 2000

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This is a multi channel VHF radio used by the UK power industries in their Mid band TX circa 107mhz and RX circa 139Mhz and AM, however it is easy to convert to FM and move to the amateur 2 metre band. full instructions and the code for the EPROMS can be found here.#


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D. J. MCKAY G1JWG 2016